steel platform

 1. :
Usually by the ceiling of the platform structure, between the primary and secondary beam, column, column support, and ladders, railings, etc.
2. The classification:
- according to the requirements of use can be divided into indoor and room on the platform, under static load and dynamic load platform, production platform support, as well as medium and heavy operation platform, etc.
- according to the different ways to support platform structure can be divided into:
1) directly on the workshop column on the bracket of the tripod or platform, function is usually safe passage or medium to a simple operating platform.
2) side bearing in workshop column or wall, building independent columns on the other side of the platform.
3) supporting platform on the large equipment.
4) are all independent of the platform.
For the larger dynamic load or weight management platform of large equipment, appropriate design release and workshop column, a direct bearing on the independent column.


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