• The shuttle shelve
  • Shuttle storage system for pallet loading operation and storage space into a brand new concept, the new storage system, in a more powerful operation ability and better than the traditional way of storing can be fully and flexible use of space. The warehouse solution by the number of a certain group of pallet rack storage of pallet racking and tray by car, transportation and storage systems. Space utilization rate of more than 80%!

  • The shuttle shelve
  • Shuttle storage system for pallet loading operation and storage space into a brand new concept, the new storage system, in a more powerful operation ability and better than the traditional way of storing can be fully and flexible use of space. The warehouse solution by the number of a certain group of pallet rack storage of pallet racking and tray by car, transportation and storage systems. Space utilization rate of more than 80%!


Supply warehouse shelves Nanjing,Nanjing storage shelf factory,Jiangsu shelf plant,Nanjing station equipment 
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